
Managed IT Services

Collaboration is the Future of Cybersecurity

By | Cybersecurity, Managed IT Services | No Comments

Cybersecurity has become a top concern for every industry. Defending against cyber threats is a full-time job, yet even though most competent cybersecurity strategy is not foolproof. There are too many facets to consider, too many vulnerabilities to take notice of, and too few IT professionals to manage every threat. However, collaboration can give organizations the advantage. Team projects are more successful with the cooperation of diverse individuals; likewise, an organization can have a stronger cybersecurity strategy when they decide to partner with others.

Shared information benefits all.

It can be tempting to hoard your best cybersecurity strategies but doing so only limits your overall defensive capabilities. Even government agencies have begun partnering with private and international industries, recognizing that collaboration is the best defense against malicious cyberattacks. Collaboration also makes it possible for organizations to stop cyberattacks before they become rampant, by globally disseminating threat intelligence and guidelines on how to reduce the risk of known threats.

Keep your friends close and your “enemies” closer.

In some circumstances, cybersecurity vendors have found that partnering with their competition is beneficial in battling a common enemy. There are numerous stories of ransomware being decrypted by a team comprised of IT professionals from separate companies, each recognizing that they share a common goal. If one company is taken down by a cyberattack, it is only a matter of time before others find themselves susceptible to the same vulnerabilities. Working together is going to be more common as cybersecurity threats advance.

Collaboration promotes diverse expertise.

The most important aspect of collaboration is recognizing that one organization cannot possibly manage every threat alone. Companies assess their vulnerabilities, deciding areas of priority to mitigate risk. Inevitably, however, gaps remain. The best solution is to partner with others in the industry that excel where your own organization is lacking. Trading resources makes the sum greater than separate parts, resulting in stronger defenses than any one organization could possess.

For example, thinkCSC partnered last year with KnowBe4, and although thinkCSC is dedicated to improving awareness, KnowBe4 has the world’s largest library of security awareness training content. This partnership encourages everyone within an organization to be a part of the solution, offering the best training available. Human error is the root of most internal threats, and educating employees is a crucial step that every organization should take in establishing a culture of cybersecurity.

thinkCSC also recognizes that keeping information secure involves monitoring digital credentials, and ID Agent is the provider of the only commercial solution available that detects compromised credentials on the Dark Web. Clients deserve to know that their logon credentials are secure, even in the darkest corners of the internet. This credential monitoring software is highly specialized, and this collaboration offers clients the best solution against identify theft.

Collaboration has allowed organizations that offer managed cybersecurity services, such as thinkCSC, the opportunity to provide clients with an enhanced level of security tools. Our partnership with Arctic Wolf, a security operations center, offers clients 24/7 monitoring and crisis support from an experienced team of IT professionals. Managed threat detection can save a business from ruin, but not every size fits all. By collaborating with an adaptable service to manage threats as needed, businesses of every size can be protected.

The future of cybersecurity demands collaboration. Hackers are attempting to breach secure networks from multiple angles; therefore, your defenses should reflect a proactive strategy that leverages from diverse areas of expertise. There are many levels of cybersecurity, each as important as the other, but managing every aspect would be overwhelming to a single organization. Industries will find stronger defenses in partnerships, and the shared knowledge will benefit clients.

At thinkCSC, we believe that in order to achieve maximum success, regardless of the size or type of your organization, you must make IT an integral part of your overall business strategy and partner with IT professionals who not only understand how to leverage technology to their advantage but who are also committed to understanding your business goals and aligning their IT strategy to yours. We pride ourselves on having the best business-savvy technical experts in the industry. If you would like to learn how to create an IT security strategy aligned with your organizational goalscontact thinkCSC for more information.

Vulnerability Management

By | Data Security, Email Security, Managed IT Services, Managed Security

We keep repeating this, because it bears repeating: Cybersecurity is one of the most pressing issues facing businesses in today’s technological world. Business size, resources, location, and other characteristics are almost irrelevant. From small, individualized breaches to worldwide ransomware attacks, the scope of cybersecurity compromises has risen dramatically throughout the last decade.

This trend has led to the need for organizations of every size to establish strategies to enhance cybersecurity and combat attacks. One such approach is known as vulnerability management (VM), which focuses on identifying threats and reducing exposure rather than merely reacting to incidents. In broad business terms, this approach differs from the old quality control systems (detecting problems as they happened or early in their appearance, thereby containing potential crises) and is more like the newer quality assurance approach (putting measures in place to assure the prevention of problems occurring at all). Quality assurance approaches include expeditious handling of issues that occur, but they focus on identifying potential systemic weaknesses and strengthening them in order to prevent issues from the start.

How is this done? What does this mean in practical terms? How can even small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) employ a sufficiently robust VM plan?

The following are a few answers to these key questions:

Treat the Issue as More than Just a Requirement

Too many companies approach cybersecurity in general, and vulnerability management in particular, as an item on a checklist – a chore that must be done. These companies perform an annual scan and often use outdated or mismatched software systems. Treating cybersecurity simply as a requirement leads to inadequate protection and a never-ending cycle of escalating issues over which they never gain full control. Solving a serious problem requires seeing it as a serious problem and then treating it as such.

Conduct Regular Vulnerability Scans 

Solid VM programs involve much more than just threat-detection scans. They do employ regular scans (at least quarterly) using up-to-date systems, but they also include additional elements, such as root-cause analysis, tracking, remediation, and detailed reporting. Without such comprehensive essentials, businesses leave themselves open to risks that can be eliminated systematically.

Consider Both Authenticated and Unauthenticated Scanning

Unauthenticated scanning is a simple scanning process through which devices are scanned remotely to determine exposed vulnerabilities. Authenticated scanning goes one step further and logs into the system with a valid user account. Using authenticated scanning can identify system configuration issues, as well as embedded vulnerabilities that simple scanning cannot catch.

Use the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)

The CVSS uses a calculation metric to assign severity scores to vulnerabilities. The three core areas analyzed are: base metrics (qualities that are intrinsic to a vulnerability), temporal metrics (vulnerabilities that evolve over time), and environmental metrics (vulnerabilities that require specific implementation or a particular environment). This allows organizations to prioritize their responses in an intentional, meaningful, and productive manner and avoid the tendency to spend disproportionate time and resources on minor threats.

Fix the Issues That Cause Vulnerability

Scans merely identify threats. Most companies do nothing more than remove the threats discovered by their scanning measures. What they fail to do is fix the core issue that allowed the threat into their systems in the first place. Thus, the same threats often reappear, are discovered by future scans, are removed once again, and the cycle continues. Eliminating the entry portal exploited continually by the threat closes the existing security gap and stops this cycle of entrance and removal, which altogether eliminates the risk posed by the threat.

If Necessary, Outsource Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management can be overwhelming, especially for SMBs with limited technical expertise and limited budgets. Just as outsourcing HR, legal, or security services can be beneficial, partnering with an established, knowledgeable Managed Security Services company can be a perfect, cost-effective solution to such a daunting task.

IT Security, Strategy, and Infrastructure – A Look Ahead

By | Cloud Services, Data Security, Managed IT Services


For most organizations, preventing, detecting, and overcoming cyber threats will become a necessary factor in every business function. With billions of devices connecting to and sending data through the cloud, viable artificial intelligence becoming a reality, and businesses relying on APIs to deliver better customer experiences, security will take a front seat in every business decision. Here’s a look ahead:

Internet of Everything

By 2020, it’s predicted that there will be billions of devices, appliances, cars, and other objects connected to the internet, speeding data around the world at a rapid pace. This phenomenon is referred to as the Internet of Things, or IoT. No industry will be left untouched by IoT, from agriculture and healthcare to manufacturing and government. Gartner estimates that there will be 25 billion of these smart devices – smart cars, smoke detectors, thermostats, industrial robots, traffic lights, medical devices (many implanted), public transportation, and refrigerators – communicating personal data to and through the cloud. Everything we do, from stopping at the store on the way home from work, to managing our health, will be facilitated by IoT. For businesses that will be developing or selling smart devices, the most critical component of the process will be maintaining the highest possible level of security to protect the data that will be continuously transmitting back and forth. This means not only developing products with built-in security but also ensuring that the gateways that connect the devices are equally secure.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the development of machines and robots with the humanlike capability of making decisions and handling tasks typically performed by humans. While advancements in AI have been occurring for the past few decades, it’s never been more ubiquitous. Scientists predict that artificial intelligence will not only make the world safer, by providing robots that can act as first responders during crises, but that the ability of humanized computers to learn more quickly how to save us from climate change, poverty, and other global challenges will increase exponentially. AI will likely even improve the lives and longevity of humans, as implants and other medical uses of AI become more prevalent. As with IoT, AI must be developed with the idea of security in mind. We don’t need a team of robots who can be hacked and controlled by cyber criminals. At the same time, artificial intelligence may take center stage in improving cyber security.

API Management

According to Forrester Research, companies will spend more than $3 billion on API development by 2020. An API – application program interface – allows your customers to access specific data or interface with specific components of your website. A doctor’s office might use an API to allow patients to schedule appointments online; a social media company might use APIs to access Twitter to generate monthly reports. All of this back-channel communication is crucial to delivering the best experience to your customers, regardless of industry, but it also highlights the importance of implementing serious, multi-layer security and detection to protect your organization and your data.

An Ongoing War on Cyber Threats

For most organizations, preventing, detecting, and overcoming cyber threats will become a necessary factor in every business function, and IoT, AI, and APIs will only make security more necessary. Yet even without these technological developments, the security of every organization is continually threatened. From email security to the physical security of structures, cyber threats are a growing risk. It will continue to be an ongoing battle, in which new security protocols are developed and cyber criminals become more sophisticated in their ability to circumnavigate these safeguards. The human element – employee training, limited access, strict and enforced policies – will play an essential role in the success or failure of these efforts.

At thinkCSC, we believe that in order to achieve maximum success, regardless of the size or type of organization, you must make IT an integral part of your overall business strategy and partner with IT professionals who not only understand how to leverage technology to your advantage but who are also committed to understanding your business goals and aligning your IT strategy to them. We pride ourselves on having the best business-savvy technical experts in the industry. If you would like to learn how to create an IT security strategy aligned with your organizational goalscontact thinkCSC for more information.